
class actsnclass.SNPCCPhotometry

Handles photometric information for entire SNPCC data.

This class only works for Bazin feature extraction method.

  • bazin_header (str) – Reader to be added to features files for each day.
  • max_epoch (float) – Maximum MJD for the entire data set.
  • min_epoch (float) – Minimum MJD for the entire data set.
  • rmag_lim (float) – Maximum r-band magnitude allowing a query.

Get minimum and maximum MJD for complete sample.

create_daily_file(raw_data_dir: str, day: int, output_dir: str, header: str)

Create one file for a given day of the survey. Only populates the file with header. It will erase existing files!

build_one_epoch(raw_data_dir: str, day_of_survey: int, time_domain_dir: str, feature_method: str, dataset: str)

Selects objects with observed points until given MJD, performs feature extraction and evaluate if query is possible. Save results to file.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__() Initialize self.
build_one_epoch(raw_data_dir, day_of_survey, …) Fit bazin for all objects with enough points in a given day.
create_daily_file(output_dir, day[, header]) Create one file for a given day of the survey.
get_lim_mjds(raw_data_dir) Get minimum and maximum MJD for complete sample.